- Tahini
- Talatouri
- Halloumi
- Anari
- Yogurt
- Sausages- Lountza
- Zelatina
- Hoiromeri
- Houmous
- Tsamarella
- Apohtin
- Posyrti
- Agrelia with eggs
- Kaikanas
- Snails with rice
- Zucchini flowers filled with halloumi
- Zucchini flowers with fried eggs
- Macaroni sklintziou
- Ravioles
- Kaloirka (Cypriot Beef Ravioli)
- Pourekia
- Strouthouka
- Louvi – Black-eyed Peas with Chard
- Cured beef pie
- Red mushrooms cooked with wine
- olives and other vegetables in vinegar
- Village salad
- Salad with glistrida (Portulaca oleracea)
Main courses
- Green beans with pork
- Okra with chicken
- Zampoures
- Kapamas Kolokasi
- Poulles kolokasi
- Sheftalies
- Mougkra
- Koupepia
- Ofton kleftiko
- Souvla on the grill
- Meatballs
- Afelia
- Egg lemon soup
- Soup with frumenty
- Groats
- Vazania yiahni
- Entrada lamb
- Lamb cooked in the clay pot
- Pork with beetroots
- Beef stew
- Bunny stew
- Rabbit stew
- Partridge with halloumi
- Quails on the spit
- Tavas
- Paskies
- Kaourmas
- Lima beans with sausages
- Pastitsio – oven-baked macaroni
- Octopus cooked in wine
- Fish Piquant
- Cuttlefish with ink
- Sea bream on the grill
- Fried mullet (Mparmpounia)
- Trout
- Pourekia with cream
- Pourekia with anari
- Pourekia with halloumi
- Katimeria
- Katimeria with epsima or carob honey
- Pies of honey
- Spoon sweets
- Muhallebi
- Palouzes
- Sioutzioukos
- Fingers
- Tsipopita
- Kolokopita
- Figpie
- Pompes
- Kidonopasto
- Mosfilopites
- Tertzelouthkia with carob honey
- Donuts (loukoumades)
- Rice pudding
- Siamisi
- Flaounes